
Put 'em on Blast

Thank you a million billion infinity to all the folks that have hit me on their blog or site in the past couple months... this is a little compilation and some links to a few of those. Thank you thank you thank you. My heart is exploding.
I especially appreciate Jeff Hamada for the kind words and fancy banner.... Thanks man.... now go peel your eyes back and take a look! ! Boooooooom!!!!!

My favorite part is when Life Lounge compares me to a 10 year old boy... thanks guys- anyone wanna go ride BMX bikes now!? I got an extra capri-sun in my backpack and I think i seen a dead cat down the street we can go poke at!!!

"Based in Los Angeles, illustrator Hannah Stouffer seems intrigued by the same things that fascinate ten-year-old boys; dragons, giant serpents, Pegasus-esque horses, tigers, hot girls and skateboards. Put in more sophisticated language, Stouffer is interested in "icons and images that reflect and categorize historical eras, genres and subcultures".

Here's a few more...

7 x 7 Magazine Blog
Bill Turner's OMG there's art in here!
The Polaroids
I always wanted to be a Fly Girl
Lumper Blog
Street Anatomy!!!
Color Bull. I want to sleep next to you every night

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous15.1.09

    Congrats on bein’ supah famous in the blogsphere! Thanks for mentioning that I mentioned you on my blog! Keep up the good work too, your art is so freakin’ dope.
